

I've used to think that boredom is the feeling that I hate the most. I've always tried to avoid being bored. But there's an aspect of boredom that I didn't consider.

I've sat on a beach, with nothing to do. After a while, I've begun drawing in the sand.

I've done trivial and repetitive physical tasks. While my hands were busy, my mind started wandering and telling itself a story.

Boredom sparks creativity. If your mind is constantly focused, it has no time for anything else.

I'm what someone calls a Xennial. I've grown up in a small town, lost in the countryside, where there were far more trees than human beings. Then my life became more and more filled with people and technology. I've embraced it because it felt good. Still, that loner child with nothing to do but fuel his imagination is a part of me.

I struggle to find time to become that child again.