This is your life

This is your life, good to the last drop
Doesn't get any better than this
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time
Tyler Durden , "Fight Club"

In 1999 I was 19. Tyler Durden's words sounded cool, extreme and nihilistic.

After 20 years, I can say that they sound in a very different way.

At some point of my life I realized that my biological hardware wasn't improving anymore. I realized that instead of growing up, it was starting to age.

Things weren't going to be easier with time, as they used to. Time would have made everything more complicated.

It sounded gloomy, but it had an important implication: stop waiting for better times because probably the best time is now.

Nonetheless, it's hard to act according to this principle. Sometimes I just feel tired or overwhelmed. Sometimes life keeps throwing stuff at me and I can't digest it all. I'm a champion at finding excuses.

But I guess that falling apart is okay-ish, as long as I manage to pick up the pieces.